Transforming Kids Therapy Services
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Our Mission:


We kick start development / We work with you to give your kid the tools to become resilient adults.

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About us

We want to facilitate your journey of development. Developing skills in a bottom up framework so we never have to double back whilst reaching our goals in purposeful and meaningful ways.

Using research informed and evidenced based practise, backed by neurobiology and our bank of knowledge, we will support you on your journey.

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Our Services

We use interactive models of service including DIR Floor time, Synergetic Play Therapy and Sensory Integration.

Occupational THERAPY

Occupational Therapy looks at all skills of development needed for functional abilities. We look at how our sensory systems are processing and the impact of these upon our social and emotional skills, gross motor, fine motor (eyes, hands and mouth), cognition and activities of daily living.


Our counsellors focus on address social, emotional and cognitive reasoning skills. Using an interactive model they work with you and your family develop skills within each area.


Our OTs And Counsellors are all trained within Mental Health. They work with you to address and develop plans to address mental health concerns.


Speech Pathology is the art form of developing language and communication skills. Language and communication is developed through interaction and kids interact via play. Our Speech Paths work in a play based way which is structured to focus on your speech and language goals.


We love supporting schools and outside agencies to develop programs, training and implement innovative services to support our community and transfer the disability support service space.


“So…. be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O’Shea, You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!”

Dr Seuss



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occupational therapy

speech pathology

consultation services COUNSELLING